Tuesday, February 10, 2015

#9 Thank you most kindly

Tip from Hypothermia. When you're cold, do your darnedest to get warm. Don't create snow angels. 

I'm in Ghana. Which means I have to deal with the all-transcending crap from the moment I wake up, basting in my own sweat, deciding if to wait for the power to come back so I might work from home or travel to some friend's office to perch, knocking on wood that the taps will flow so I can have a half-decent bath, and don't get krokro from what does flow out at me; Then sitting in impact position while my bus driver (Having probably bought his license) hurtles like a comet across the next major intersection without working traffic lights, or crawls at a meter a minute through the round-about where for some mysterious reason, a squad of Police officers have decided to set up camp. 

Put differently, I live the wahala, breath the wahala, hear the wahala every waking moment. So pardon my pickiness in not wanting to have to read about it every day on some Social media rant also.

I find the trick to dealing with the uncertainty of this glide slope we're on; if you've not figured out some master plan to fix it, is really to whine LESS about it and get on with the business of surviving it, and perhaps surmounting it. Do that, and you might even find the calm in your mind to crack the code on how to fix it when you least expect it. I'm still stuck at tying certain Public figures to barrels blindfolded and when they expect the BANG BANG, bayoneting them instead, but I'm sure you may think of something more constructive if you let your mind wander.

By all means, get in on the discussion (I do). Find some creative outlet to express it. Frustration is often a better creative motivator than calm. Just quit whining in every post about it. It's tiresome to keep seeing that, even passively. 

No, you're not keeping it 'real'. Quite the opposite in fact. 

No, an open letter to Mahama on Facebook won't get read by the BNI and taking under advisement. 

If you haven't decided whether our dear President is a genius or moron by this time, you probably never will. So now won't be the best time to begin forming a thought in our presence. 

Yes, the shock of another surprise ECG cut ceased to be a shock (or a surprise) the 10th time around. So we really don't need to know how flummoxed you are about this one.

If you're not at step 9 of 10 in your coup de tat, please write your daily to-do list, find a calming playlist and hum it while putting one foot in front of the other. It's what most people do. 

I find the Patriots, if there is such a thing, aren't those ranting on Social media, pulling Facts, posts and Quotes out of the ass, trying to make situations, but those with the glazed 200 meter stare and stiff upper lip, who are acutely aware of how let down they have been by those supposed to govern them, but rather than assume the faetal position and bawl about it, wake up each day and calmly get on with the business of moving forward. 

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